Apply Now For 46% Off! We Start Oct 15th 2024

For The Single Woman
Who Desires Love:

Our 10-week Frequency of Love Program Will Show You Everything You Need To Attract Your Dream Man, Date With Confidence, And Create A Lasting Relationship.



Our 10-Week Frequency of Love Program Will Show You Everything You Need To Attract Your Dream Man, Date With Confidence, And Create A Lasting Relationship




So that you can finally build the loving relationship you desire.


any of this


You know you want to build a life with your dream man, but it seems almost impossible to find a man who wants the same thing as you. 


The voice in your head sometimes yells things at you like: you're too old! You're too picky! You're not as pretty as the other girls. You've missed your chance. If he really knew me, he wouldn't like me.  


You've done some healing work and understand the patterns that you're playing out. You understand you just need to get out there and date, but something keeps stopping you. You know you need accountability and guidance to really change this area of your life.

What if it was possible to have the man and relationship you've been dreaming of?

Where you're with a man who loves and cherishes you as you are. Who is there for you in the hard times and there for you to celebrate in the good times.

Where you're with a man who loves and cherishes you as you are.

Who is there for you in the hard times and there for you to celebrate in the good times.

And who consistently goes out of his way to ensure you feel safe, wanted, cared for, and like you truly matter.

We're here to show you that you can have that reality.

That's why we created Frequency of Love.

To ensure you have the guidance and support you need to help you do so.

Together in our mentorship program, we will help you bring awareness to the unconscious patterns and beliefs holding you back, heal from past wounds, give you practical expert coaching, help you build the skills to have a healthy relationship, and you'll be around a group of women who will be your biggest cheerleaders along the way.


In short, we will show you how to meet your dream man, date with confidence, and create and healthy, loving and lasting relationship in the most effective way possible.


Frequency of Love will show you how to attract your dream man, master the skill of dating, and create a healthy, loving, lasting relationship. 

How it works in 3 simple steps:

Step One

You fill out a brief form to ensure you're a good fit for our transformative 10 week Frequency of Love program, starting October 15th 2024.

Step Two

You get on a short call where we walk you through our program and answer any questions you have before we start.

Step Three

You join and instantly get access to our Frequency of Love 5 Module Online Video Course and then we start our live calls Oct 15th 2024 for 10 weeks. You will get 2 live group calls per week with Matt & Kelley to ask any questions you want and get support through any challenges you're having in your love life.


Your Transformational 10-Week Journey

Not only will you gain access to a comprehensive online course, but you'll also receive personalized support through weekly group coaching calls. Each week is designed to help you deepen your transformation and provide practical guidance.

Here's the full curriculum:

Week One:

Welcome Party + How to Attract & Meet Your Dream Man

Have you experienced any of the following?

  • You're uncertain if the person you're dating is truly right for you.
  • You've settled in past relationships because you felt you didn’t deserve better.
  • You've been in relationships filled with love but lacking passion.
  • Or perhaps relationships with passion but little real connection.

If any of this resonates, week one will be transformative for you.

Not only will we have a welcome party where you’ll connect with like-minded women, but you’ll also discover on the call:

  • The Full Body Yes Method to help you get crystal clear on what you truly want in a partner.
  • The 3 Most Important Questions to ask yourself to know if the person you're dating is genuinely the right fit for you.
  • The best ways to meet your dream man quickly and confidently.
  • The Biggest Personal Growth Blocks that may be stopping you from transforming and attracting your ideal partner.

Week Two:

Hot Seat Coaching + Answering Your Questions!

In week two, we’ll dive into a personalized group coaching experience. You’ll have the opportunity to ask your specific questions, get real-time feedback, and receive direct coaching on any challenges you’re facing in your dating life. Whether you’re unsure about a current relationship, still processing past heartbreak, or feeling stuck in how to move forward, this immersion call is designed to give you the clarity and support you need to thrive.

Week Three:

Healing Trauma & Mastering Self-Regulation

In this week, you'll learn how to identify and release the emotional trauma you've been carrying from childhood or previous relationships, ensuring you don’t bring that pain into future partnerships.

Your body may be holding onto past pain and trauma from your childhood, teenage years, or adulthood, affecting your ability to connect deeply in relationships.

To open your heart to love, create new healthy relationship patterns, and feel emotionally free, it’s essential to release the pain stored in your body.

This is why in week three, you'll discover:

  • Practical methods to heal past pain and trauma that affect how you date and show up in relationships.
  • A Step-by-Step Process to peel away the layers of pain from childhood and heal your inner child.
  • How to self-regulate your emotions so triggers don’t get in the way of creating a healthy and loving relationship.

Week Four:

Hot Seat Coaching + Answering Your Questions!

This week’s immersion call is your chance to receive personal coaching on your healing journey. Whether you're working through past trauma, struggling with how to navigate current dating challenges, or have lingering emotional blocks, this call will provide you with tailored guidance and actionable steps to move forward with clarity and confidence.

Week Five:

Releasing Subconscious Love Blocks

Releasing the blocks you have around love is a major key to having the love you want.

  • Do you feel shame or guilt around your body or past experiences?
  • Do you continue to attract the same person but with a different face and name?
  • Are you carrying unresolved guilt that nobody knows about?
  • Do you find it hard to open up and be vulnerable in relationships?
  • Do you keep attracting the same kinds of people, even when you know those relationships don’t serve you?

If any of this resonates, week five is for you.

In week five, you'll discover:

  • The subconscious blocks you have around love that may be preventing you from having the love you want.
  • How to release shame and guilt, and free yourself from the weight of your past.
  • How to embrace, accept, and unapologetically express the aspects of yourself that you've previously suppressed.

Week Six:

Hot Seat Coaching + Answering Your Questions!

This week’s immersion call is your chance to receive personal coaching on your healing journey. Whether you're working through past trauma, struggling with how to navigate current dating challenges, or have lingering emotional blocks, this call will provide you with tailored guidance and actionable steps to move forward with clarity and confidence.

Week Seven:

The Art of Feminine Communication

Have you ever experienced the following?

  • You want more affection, affirming words, or quality time from your partner, but you struggle to ask for it.
  • You fear asking for what you need, worried that you’ll be seen as “too much” or face rejection.
  • You stay quiet about things that upset you to avoid confrontation, only to feel resentment build up over time.

In week seven, you'll discover:

  • How to communicate your needs and desires through feminine communication that allows you to speak clearly, confidently and prevents conflict.
  • How to overcome the fear of using your voice and gain the courage to express what you truly want.
  • The “I Feel, I Need” Formula to help you ask for what you need without feeling like you're asking for too much or being "needy."

Week Eight:

Feminine Communication Practice

In this session, you’ll get to practice what you’ve learned about feminine communication in real time. You’ll have the chance to role-play, share scenarios, and receive personalized feedback on how to improve. This is your opportunity to refine your communication skills in a supportive space and gain confidence in expressing your needs clearly and powerfully.

Week Nine:

Soften Into Your Feminine Essence

Do you struggle with softening into your feminine energy?
Do you find it difficult to surrender and trust, or maybe you desire a partner who confidently leads, but find it hard to allow them to take charge?

In week nine, you'll learn:

  • Practical exercises to help you soften into your feminine energy while still maintaining your boundaries.
  • How to embody your feminine energy without feeling like you're giving up control or becoming a pushover.
  • How to inspire a man to step up and lead in your relationship, allowing you to trust and lean into your feminine essence.

Week Ten:

Hot Seat Coaching + Closing Celebration

By week ten, you will have experienced a profound transformation, from healing past emotional wounds to learning how to communicate effectively and embodying your feminine essence. This final immersion call is your opportunity to ask any lingering questions, receive additional coaching, and solidify the steps you need to maintain the positive shifts you’ve made in your love life.

Get a preview of what's inside Frequency of Love:

Get a preview of what's inside Frequency of Love:


Take a look at what more of our students have to say about their experience inside the program...


Take a look at what more of our students have to say about their experience inside the program...


how this program









Meet Cato who went:

"Before this, I was in a place where I felt very frustrated and angry at men. I had to heal many layers of the father wound of not feeling worthy and constantly seeking external validation. I was essentially perpetuating the same pattern over and over again until I finally decided, "I'm done!"

That's when I signed up for this program. It provided me with the tools, awareness, implementation, accountability, and commitment to fully uplevel and heal the parts of me that I hadn’t healed and integrated.

As a result, I was able to meet my king. And now, we’re pregnant! We are waiting for our new baby to arrive, and it’s all because of this program. Because I said "yes" to upleveling, taking ownership, and being really honest about examining my own issues.

It made me realize that I am the common denominator in all these stories.

I’m so glad I said yes to this and invested in myself, which is a declaration that I’m ready to uplevel. And I feel that the external reality is a testament to the internal work I’ve been doing, and it’s all because of this program."




Fill out a brief application form  see if you're a good fit for Frequency of Love.



If approved, we will dive into your love life situation, your desires, and the biggest challenges you're facing on a call with the Frequency of Love team.


If we're confident we can help you, we will offer you a spot inside our Frequency of Love program. 

Apply now!

"I am now in a safe & nourishing relationship for the first time in almost 10 years!" 

And it has all of the things that I have always wanted that I never thought was possible for me before this program.

And all of this has happened in just 3 months since the program!

I feel seen and heard, I know how to make him feel seen and heard and we’re both happy, relaxed, in love and committed. It feels amazing.

I am so so grateful for the work we did inside this program. It’s been such an amazing experience.



"I'm almost 5 months into the most beautiful, wild, fun, sexy, honest, limitless, and loving relationship!”

After years of giving too much in relationships, of struggling to set boundaries and not knowing how to put myself first, I felt fearful of starting again incase I ended up in the same situation.

This program was such a supportive container within which I learned about slow dating and getting clear on my desires. I found the courage to put myself out there again, to give love and myself another chance!

Now I’m almost 5 months into the most beautiful, wild, fun, sexy, honest, limitless, loving relationship.. full of tears, healing, laughter and all the things.. all of me is welcome! I am bursting with confidence and I am living and loving my life.


Meet Alison who went:

“Before this program, I was single for 10 years and had stopped dating for 6 years.

I previously had bad relationships, I was cheated on a lot and had previous s/xual trauma. To get out there and open up, be vulnerable and trust another person to be intimate with was scary, but… I wanted a relationship. During this program I got to know myself a lot more and after the course, I looked back at how far I have come. I was individualistic, not focusing on companionship, it’s a big change. I wouldn't be in a relationship without this program and the community from the course is amazing."









We're here to help you have the relationship of your dreams.

Relationships have not always been easy for either of us. Before meeting each other, we were stuck in unhealthy cycles & wondering how to have the love we really wanted.

Our individual struggles led us to seek guidance from coaches, spiritual mentors, and try just about every healing modality on the face of the planet...

Through that process, we discovered what worked & what didn't. We healed from the past, learned how to communicate in a healthy way, how to date consciously, & how to embody our authentic masculinity and femininity.

We each became coaches to teach others what we'd learned so that they could also break toxic patterns and live a life they loved.

This was all before we even met each other.

In November of 2020, an Instagram DM between the two of us became a first date, which a few months later turned into a relationship, & eventually - led to our wedding in March of 2024.

We love sharing about our life, learnings, and little family (of us and our 5 cats, so far) on our Instagram, Youtube, & TikTok channels.

We have a vision to help millions of people have healthy, thriving, loving relationships through our programs and content.

We're so excited to speak with you soon if Frequency of Love feels in alignment with where you're at. We'd feel so blessed to help you have the relationship of your dreams.


"I'm a Clinical Psychologist and I always had this belief that coaching was bulls*^t - and that's a false belief!" 

Whatever your difficulties are: emotional, time, money, language - go for it!

- AMINA, Clinical Psychologist

"This program gave me the foundation and confidence to date!"

I never dated before and I held myself back so much. I had no idea how to even start. But this program gave me foundation and confidence to date!



“The group environment made me nervous at the start but after just one week I was so impressed with the beautiful personalities who shared a similar interest in growing and healing. You really feel so understood and comfortable with the group. I am a new woman because of this course,"

"LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE! Before beginning the program I had all the symptoms of a text book anxious attachment. I was attracting similar partners with a different face every few months, my boundaries were all over the place with friends, family, and work and I was so uncomfortable with not having some kind of male attention. This program has restructured how I think, I have gained so much self-worth, set some strong boundaries with people around me, dug deep into my shadow and I finally am super comfortable with being truly alone (this is a big win as I have never been truly single my whole adult life. I am no longer seeking outside validation from others to feel worthy of love. I would and have recommended this program to everyone I know.” 

- AMY, Australia

This program is for you if...

You're ready to put in the work to grow, heal, & transform your love life

You want to embrace your femininity and attract a man in his healthy masculinity

You want to learn practical dating strategies and also get support around your mindset and nervous system to have the love you want.

You resonate with Matt & Kelley and want their specific guidance in your love life

This program is not for you if...

You don't have 2 hours per week to commit to educating yourself around dating and relationships.

You're not sure if you really want to have a relationship and want to date for fun, not committment.

You're not ready lean in, get uncomfortable (at times), and try things you've never tried before to have something you've never had before

You want a quick fix or to avoid the hard work to have the love you want.



From not believing she was going to meet anybody to now being in her dream relationship 

I knew that I had a lot of childhood trauma that I needed to deal with, and I wanted to feel positive about dating again.

I didn’t believe I was going to find anybody, and I knew I needed to do some deep work.

Then I found this amazing coaching program with Matt & Kelley.

Their whole program is so good. I did therapy on the side, but this is so different.

Getting coached is life-changing!

I really worked on healing past traumas that are affecting how I date today.

I then met somebody, we started dating, and I am now in a relationship with him.

The proof is in the pudding! I really recommend this course

- RUGI, United States

"I finally feel hope and excitement about the future!"

Before starting this program, I felt stuck from coming out of a 14-year relationship/marriage and I didn't know how to finally release it, properly heal and move on.

In this program I learned so much about myself, about what I want and what I don't want in a man/relationship; how to create, set and follow through with boundaries; how to heal my inner child and forgive myself for all that had happened in the past; and to finally feel hope and excitement about the future! 

- CSILLA, Australia


"I thought I have already been doing a lot of work on myself, I doubt I will learn anything life-changing in this program" 

WELL the whole course has been life changing. I never ever expected to see changes within myself so fast.

My relationship with myself has gotten so much better and it’s really beautiful to see & feel. The supportive community in the program has felt a bit like family and I was so excited for every call. This was definitely the best thing I have done for myself.

- AMINA, Ukraine


"It is worth every penny. It is worth the financial risk."

The main concern for me is always financial. Knowing that it's a risk and maybe I'm not in the best spot financially to do it.

The rewards are just astounding. It's worth it.

You don't know until do it. You realize that it is worth every penny. It is worth taking the financial risk.

- Erica Evans

Meet Mimi who went...

“When I joined, I was still hung up on a guy that I had had a situation-ship with. Through this program, I discovered my values and what I didn’t want to compromise on in a relationship, and that helped me to move on and to become clear on what I wanted.

And then when I used the framework that is taught around dating, a week later I was in a relationship because I had the courage and the confidence to be like: this is what I want and I’m not willing to compromise on these things.”         


"What price would you put on finding the love of your life?"

"When I first saw how much this class was, I wasn't sure I could afford it, but when I re-framed it lin my mind as 'what price would you put on finding the love of your life?' then it was really a no-brainer.

Sure enough, within DAYS of submitting full payment, before the first class even started, I matched with a man on Tinder who was EXACTLY the man I've been looking for, and who I am now in a committed and deeply loving relationship with.

Being in this course has truly set me up for success - taking responsibility for my stuff, staying open in my communication with him (even when it feels vulnerable and scary), and really learning to lean into my feminine and fully receive his love and affection." 


Meet Jonnemarie who went...

"This is the healthiest & most fulfilling relationship I've ever been a part of. I feel so safe, seen, heard,   respected,  special, loved, and wanted. We are now engaged and I still wake up every day with overflowing love, gratitude, and happiness!"

When I first joined, I was stuck in a cycle of unhealthy attachments and patterns in my relationships that had spanned over a decade. I found myself jumping from one guy to another, constantly seeking emotional connections from men who I knew weren't the right matches for me.

This program was truly life-changing and an invaluable investment. The content and coaching was so valuable. I was already having huge breakthroughs on the first call.

Matt and Kelley radiated kindness, wisdom, and encouragement. Their support and guidance, along with the camaraderie with other group members, created a safe and empowering space that was so important for me to be able to fully commit to vulnerability and healing. I felt truly understood and motivated knowing that I wasn't on this journey alone.

The knowledge, strength, and confidence I had cultivated through this program continued to guide me and one year later, I met my absolute dream partner.

We are now engaged and I still wake up every day with overflowing love, gratitude, and happiness!

He is the love of my life, but the best part is that even if something crazy happened and our relationship ended up not working out, I know deep down that I would be okay because I've learned how to heal and I have truly transformed my relationship with MYSELF.

In our 10 week Frequency of Love program you will receive:

  • Frequency of Love 5 Module Online Video Course with videos showing you how to meet your dream man, master the skill of dating, and create a healthy, loving, and lasting relationship.

  • TWO live group calls per week with Matt & Kelley for 10 weeks where you will have the space to ask any questions you want and get support through any challenges you're having in your love life.

  • Weekly Heart Work AKA "Homework" to help you apply what we break down in the online course and on the weekly calls so you finish the course ready to go from single to in a loving relationship.

  • Lifetime Access to the Online Course: Enjoy unlimited access to all video content, giving you the freedom to learn and grow at your own pace, whenever it fits into your schedule. Dive back in anytime for a refresher or to deepen your understanding as you progress.

  • 6-Month Access to Live Call Replays: Enjoy the flexibility of rewatching all coaching sessions and Q&As at your own pace, with six months of access to revisit key insights, actionable advice, and breakthroughs whenever you need them.

  • BONUS #1 - Ask Us Anything Private Facebook Group so you can ask us any questions in between calls plus connect with other women going throughout the program.

  • BONUS #2 - Sisterhood Trio Group where you'll be paired with two other women from your country or a nearby time zone, creating an intimate support system throughout the program. This bonus is designed to help you connect on a deeper level, offering personalized encouragement while building meaningful, lasting friendships.

  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee so your mind can be at ease with investing in your love life with no risk.

We've made a brief form to ensure everyone joining Frequency of Love is a good fit for the program.

If you want to join the program starting in October 15th, click the button below to fill out the quick form and you will get 46% off our next round.


30-Day Money Back Guarantee


When you enroll, you’ll have 30 days to go through EVERYTHING inside the program starting October 15th, and if for whatever reason… and we mean ANY reason… if you don’t feel like this was the best investment you’ve made into helping you attract your dream partner and create a healthy and loving relationship, simple email our support team at [email protected] and we’ll gladly reimburse your entire investment… no questions asked!

 If you're still here...

Then you must be thinking...

Is This Really For ME?

Frequency of Love will work for three main people. 


Recently Single or Divorced

Women who have recently ended a relationship or gone through a divorce and are seeking support, healing, and guidance as they navigate this new chapter in their lives.


Single and Already Dating Someone

Women who are currently dating and want advice on how to build a healthy, loving relationship that could lead to a relationship and marriage.


Single & Haven't Dated in a Long Time (or Ever)

Women who have been single for an extended period or have never dated, and are looking for encouragement, healing guidance, confidence, and practical tips to start dating with confidence.

If you're one of these three people, Frequency of Love will be a great fit for you!

 If you're still here...

Then you must be thinking...

Is This Really For ME?

Frequency of Love will work for three main people. 


Recently Single or Divorced

Women who have recently ended a relationship or gone through a divorce and are seeking support, healing, and guidance as they navigate this new chapter in their lives.


Single and Already Dating Someone

Women who are currently dating and want advice on how to build a healthy, loving relationship that could lead to a relationship and marriage.


Single & Haven't Dated in a Long Time (or Ever)

Women who have been single for an extended period or have never dated, and are looking for encouragement, healing guidance, confidence, and practical tips to start dating with confidence.

If you're one of these three people, Frequency of Love will be a great fit for you!

frequently asked 



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