Join the beta round of Dating For Love for 90% off



Discover how to date in a way that will help you meet your future husband, master the skill of dating, and create a healthy, loving, and lasting relationship.

Discover how to date in a way that shows you how to meet your future husband, master the skill of dating, and create a healthy, loving, and lasting relationship.


When You Enroll You’ll Also Get: 



Maybe you think that finding your future husband is all about being in the right place at the right time.

That one day, the perfect guy will magically show up, sweep you off your feet, and everything will finally fall into place.

Or maybe you’re convinced that one swipe will change everything—your dream man will stumble upon your online dating profile and be that 10/10 in every imaginable way.


That mindset is the very thing preventing you from finding love 

When you rely on luck, chance, or being “discovered,” you hand over your power.

You end up waiting on the sidelines, hoping something will change all by itself, but nothing does.

You’re stuck in a cycle of wishing and waiting for your dream man to show up, and it’s all beyond your control.


  • Spot true compatibility beyond initial chemistry?

  • Navigate dating in a way that nurtures a healthy relationship?

  •  Recognize whether he’s truly in his grounded, masculine energy or just putting on a show?

  • Tap into authentic feminine energy—your intuition, emotions, and desires—without fear or being a pushover?

  • Clearly express what you want in a way that feels natural, honest, and inviting to him?

  • Differentiate between genuine red flags and your own fears or past trauma?


If you don’t know these things yet, don’t beat yourself up!

None of us were taught this stuff—there was no class on dating or building a healthy relationship in school.

And for many of us, we didn’t have the healthiest role models for what love should look like.

We were left feeling clueless about the real skills that make dating and relationships work.

But finding and maintaining healthy love isn’t about luck—it’s about intention, action, and knowing exactly what you’re doing from the moment you start dating.

And that’s exactly what we’re here to teach you.


Maybe you think that finding your future husband is all about being in the right place at the right time.

That one day, the perfect guy will magically show up, sweep you off your feet, and finally make everything fall into place.

Or maybe you’re convinced that one swipe will change everything—your dream man will stumble upon your online dating profile and be that 10/10 in every imaginable way.


That mindset is the very thing preventing you from finding love 

When you rely on luck, chance, or being “discovered,” you hand over your power.

You end up waiting on the sidelines, hoping something will change all by itself, but nothing does.

You’re stuck in a cycle of wishing and waiting for your dream man to show up, and it’s all beyond your control.

Because even if you do meet an amazing man, do you know how to:
  • Spot true compatibility beyond initial chemistry?

  • Navigate dating in a way that nurtures a healthy relationship?

  •  Recognize whether he’s truly in his grounded, masculine energy or just putting on a show?

  • Tap into authentic feminine energy—your intuition, emotions, and desires—without fear or being a pushover?

  • Clearly express what you want in a way that feels natural, honest, and inviting to him?

  • Differentiate between genuine red flags and your own fears or past trauma?


If you don't know these things, you're not allowed to beat yourself up!

None of us were taught this stuff—there was no class on dating or building a healthy relationship in school.

And for many of us, we didn’t have the healthiest role models for what love should look like.

We were left feeling clueless about the real skills that make dating and relationships work.

But finding and maintaining healthy love isn’t about luck—it’s about intention, action, and knowing exactly what you’re doing from the moment you start dating.

And that’s exactly what we’re here to teach you.



A proven step-by-step video course for women that shows how to meet your future husband, master the skill of dating, and create a healthy, loving, and lasting relationship.


Inside Dating for Love

We have videos and guides that include:


Proven Dating Plan

that will give you a clear and simple guide to go from date #1 to being in a relationship.

Practical Dating Strategies

The most effective ways to meet your dream man in person or online (and how to inspire him to lead in his masculine).

Compatibility Checklist

This will show you how to know if you're dating someone who is truly compatible for you or not.

Proven Ways To Inspire Him To Lead

 Discover how to inspire him into his masculine energy when dating so you can stay in your feminine energy

The Ultimate Guide To Identifying Red Flags

Discover to clearly identify the subtle and not so subtle red flags so you don't waste time and energy on someone.

Advanced Techniques To Flirt Effortlessly

How to create chemistry with someone by learning how to flirt and advanced communication strategies

Advanced Methods To Communicate Effortlessly

A 10x better way to have the "what are we?" talk, how to share what is bothering you in a relationship without causing conflict, how to ask for what you need and set boundaries.

Proven Guide That Inspires Him To Commit

You'll discover what men actually look for in a woman that inspires them to commit to you for life. Spoiler: It's not about how young you are or how you look

Effortlessly Magnetize Love From Your Feminine 

You'll learn how to magnetize men instead of having to chase them by learning how to be in your feminine energy when dating.

And Because We Love Gift-Giving, We've Got More For you! 

When You Enroll You’ll Get: 


When You Enroll You’ll Also Get: 


These Are Designed to Speed Up & Simplify Your Dating Journey For Success



Access To The Break The Cycle Course: How To Stop The Pattern Of Attracting Emotionally Unavailable Men 

Are you ready to discover why you keep attracting men who are unavailable and end the pattern for good? This course has you covered! 

Here's what you'll get: 

  • The secret to why you are attracting the same type of person with a different face in your dating life and how to break the cycle
  • A simple exercise that will truly change the type of people that you are calling in from toxic to healthy.
  • Heal a part of yourself in this simple practice so that you can have more self-awareness, better communication, and ultimately - a healthier partnership

 $297 VALUE 

“Before this course, I had all the symptoms of a textbook anxious attachment. This course has restructured my thinking; I have gained so much self-worth, set strong boundaries with people around me, dug deep into my shadow, and am finally super comfortable with being truly alone. I am a new woman because of this course,"

"LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE! Before this course, I was attracting similar partners every few months, my boundaries were all over the place with friends, family, and work and I was so uncomfortable with not having some kind of male attention. This course has restructured my thinking; I have gained so much self-worth, set strong boundaries with people around me, dug deep into my shadow, and am finally super comfortable with being truly alone. (this is a big win as I have never been truly single my whole adult life. I am no longer seeking outside validation from others to feel worthy of love. I would and have recommended this course to everyone I know.”

- AMY, Australia


VIP ACCESS to The 8-Week Dating Challenge! 

Kelley will guide you on 8 different kinds of dates over 8 weeks to get you out of your comfort zone and out of your own way when it comes to dating.

You will be guided through the principles that have helped 1000s of women find love in ways they may have never expected. 

Here's what you'll get: 

  • A simple framework to follow over 8 weeks that will guide you in going on 8 different kinds of dates to help you discover things you may have never realized you want when it comes to a future partnership
  • 9 short videos walking you through what each date is, why it matters, and how to go about doing or getting a date like that 
  • Accountability in actually going on dates so that it's not something that you're always putting off for next month (but never actually getting to)


 $297 VALUE 

"This program gave me the foundation and confidence to date!"

I never dated before and I held myself back so much. I had no idea how to even start. But this program gave me foundation and confidence to date!



Heal From Heartbreak Course

Why is it that someone can heal from a breakup within 3 months, and for others, it can take years? It's because time DOESN'T heal wounds. It can assist with healing, but it's not the core of what helps you move on. In this course, you'll discover the core of what helps you move on for good and move forward in your love life.

Get LIFETIME ACCESS to the Heal From Heartbreak Course!

Get everything you need to move on from your ex-partner so you can create space energetically for a new partner to show up in your life!


 $197 VALUE 


"I finally feel hope and excitement about the future!"

Before doing this course, I felt stuck from coming out of a 14-year relationship/marriage and I didn't know how to finally release it, properly heal and move on.

In this program I learned so much about myself, about what I want and what I don't want in a man/relationship; how to create, set and follow through with boundaries; how to heal my inner child and forgive myself for all that had happened in the past; and to finally feel hope and excitement about the future! 

- CSILLA, Australia 

*Csilla is now in a loving, healthy relationship!

And Because We Love Gift-Giving, We've Got More For you! 

When You Enroll You’ll Get: 


When You Enroll You’ll Also Get: 


These Are Designed to Speed Up & Simplify Your Dating Journey For Success



Break The Cycle Course

Are you ready to discover why you keep attracting men who are unavailable and end the pattern for good? This course has you covered! 

Here's What You'll Discover:

  • The secret to why you are attracting the same type of person with a different face in your dating life and how to break the cycle
  • A simple exercise that will truly change the type of people that you are calling in from toxic to healthy.
  • Heal a part of yourself in this simple practice so that you can have more self-awareness, better communication, and ultimately - a healthier partnership

 $297 VALUE 

“Before this course, I had all the symptoms of a textbook anxious attachment. This course has restructured my thinking; I have gained so much self-worth, set strong boundaries with people around me, dug deep into my shadow, and am finally super comfortable with being truly alone. I am a new woman because of this course,"

"LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE! Before this course, I was attracting similar partners every few months, my boundaries were all over the place with friends, family, and work and I was so uncomfortable with not having some kind of male attention. This course has restructured my thinking; I have gained so much self-worth, set strong boundaries with people around me, dug deep into my shadow, and am finally super comfortable with being truly alone. (this is a big win as I have never been truly single my whole adult life. I am no longer seeking outside validation from others to feel worthy of love. I would and have recommended this course to everyone I know.”

- AMY, Australia


VIP Access To The 8-Week Dating Challenge

Kelley will guide you on 8 different kinds of dates over 8 weeks to get you out of your comfort zone and out of your own way when it comes to dating.

You will be guided through the principles that have helped 1000s of women find love in ways they may have never expected. 

Here's what You'll Discover:

  • A simple framework to follow over 8 weeks that will guide you in going on 8 different kinds of dates to help you discover things you may have never realized you want when it comes to a future partnership
  • 9 short videos walking you through what each date is, why it matters, and how to go about doing or getting a date like that 
  • Accountability in actually going on dates so that it's not something that you're always putting off for next month (but never actually getting to)


 $297 VALUE 

"This program gave me the foundation and confidence to date!"

I never dated before and I held myself back so much. I had no idea how to even start. But this program gave me foundation and confidence to date!



Heal From Heartbreak Course

Why is it that someone can heal from a breakup within 3 months, and for others, it can take years? It's because time DOESN'T heal wounds. It can assist with healing, but it's not the core of what helps you move on. In this course, you'll discover the core of what helps you move on for good and move forward in your love life.

Get everything you need to move on from your ex-partner so you can create space energetically for a new partner to show up in your life!


 $197 VALUE 


"I finally feel hope and excitement about the future!"

Before doing this course, I felt stuck from coming out of a 14-year relationship/marriage and I didn't know how to finally release it, properly heal and move on.

In this program I learned so much about myself, about what I want and what I don't want in a man/relationship; how to create, set and follow through with boundaries; how to heal my inner child and forgive myself for all that had happened in the past; and to finally feel hope and excitement about the future! 

- CSILLA, Australia 

*Csilla is now in a loving, healthy relationship!

Meet Alison who went...



“I wouldn't be in a relationship without this program!"


“Before this program, I was single for 10 years and had stopped dating for 6 years. I previously had bad relationships, I was cheated on a lot and had previous s/xual trauma. To get out there and open up, be vulnerable and trust another person to be intimate with was scary, but… I wanted a relationship. During this program I got to know myself a lot more and after the course, I looked back at how far I have come. I was individualistic, not focusing on companionship, it’s a big change. I wouldn't be in a relationship without this program and the community from the course is amazing."

- ALISON, Canada

And then there is Mimi Who went...



“When I joined, I was still hung up on a guy that I had had a situation-ship with. Through this program, I discovered my values and what I didn’t want to compromise on in a relationship, and that helped me to move on and to become clear on what I wanted.

And then when I used the framework that is taught around dating, a week later I was in a relationship because I had the courage and the confidence to be like: this is what I want and I’m not willing to compromise on these things.”         



A proven step-by-step video course for single women that shows how to meet your dream man, master the skill of dating, and create a healthy, loving, and lasting relationship.


“’I'm almost 5 months into the most beautiful, wild, fun, sexy, honest, limitless, and loving relationship!”

“I'm almost 5 months into the most beautiful, wild, fun, sexy, honest, limitless, and loving relationship!”

After years of giving too much in relationships, of struggling to set boundaries and not knowing how to put myself first, I felt fearful of starting again incase I ended up in the same situation.

This program was such a supportive container within which I learned about slow dating and getting clear on my desires. I found the courage to put myself out there again, to give love and myself another chance!

Now I’m almost 5 months into the most beautiful, wild, fun, sexy, honest, limitless, loving relationship.. full of tears, healing, laughter and all the things.. all of me is welcome! I am bursting with confidence and I am living and loving my life.



 We get it, investing in a program can be tricky sometimes because there's a risk. 


"What if I purchase and I don't find it valuable?"

Well... that’s simple.

We have our money-back guarantee to help put your mind at ease.


When you enroll, you’ll have 30 days to go through EVERYTHING inside the program, and if for whatever reason… and we mean ANY reason… if you don’t feel like this program was worth the investment, simple email our support team at [email protected] and we’ll gladly reimburse your entire investment… no questions asked!




Matt & Kelley Cama


Matt & Kelley are globally respected dating and relationship coaches who help women have the love they desire through their proven 5-step method to ‘Calling in Your King’.

Matt and Kelley’s personal paths of healing led them each to become life coaches where they learned how to guide people in overcoming their blockages & create more freedom, authenticity, and love in their lives. When they met each other & fell in love, they decided to join forces and teach on what helped them go from unhealthy cycles in love to having a healthy, polarized relationship.

Matt & Kelley have a vision to continue helping millions of women to heal and have healthy, thriving, loving relationships through their programs and content on their popular Instagram and Tok Tok channels.

In their personal life, Matt & Kelley recently got married and plan to continue deepening in their love as they start a family, care for their 5 cats, grow in their own personal journeys and continue bringing their community along for the ride.


We've bought courses that didn’t live up to the hype, leaving us wishing we had a better idea of what we were getting into before we purchased. That’s why we’re pulling back the curtain to give you an exclusive sneak peek—so you know exactly what to expect when you join us.



In case we missed anything, here are some commonly asked questions!

Let us share the story of how we came up with the investment 

When we first got into guiding women to find love through dating, we began researching what other options there were for them...

What we found was a bit bleak.

We saw women in big cities hiring matchmakers, paying up to $15,000 for just 6 dates, with the potential that none will work out.

Not to mention, completely stepping over the internal work that is probably the deeper thing stopping them from finding love.

We saw other women on their healing journeys hiring 1:1 coaches to work on the internal stuff: inner child work, beliefs, and self-love.

Paying around $10,000 (if not more) for that for a few months and leaving with some beautiful insights, for sure, but without the practical action steps to date successfully.


We knew we could create a better way


And so, Dating For Love was born.

A place for women to heal, grow, and find a way to date for love.

The best part is we're currently running a beta round and selling Dating For Love for 90% off.

All we ask if for your feedback to make the course better and a testimonial of your experience.

Okay, now you can scroll down to find all the details.

We hope it's a total no-brainer for you.



Discover how to meet your dream man, master the skill of dating, and create a healthy, loving, and lasting relationship.

Dating For Love 5 Module Online Video Course with videos showing you how to heal from the past, learn the skills to create a healthy and loving relationship and attract your dream partner.

Heart Work AKA "Homework" throughout each module to help you apply what we break down in the online course so you finish the course ready to go from single to in a loving relationship.

BONUS #1 - VIP Access To The Break The Cycle Course so you can end the pattern of attracting emotionally unavailable men for good.

BONUS #2 - VIP Access To The 8-Week Dating Challenge  where you will be guided through the principles that have helped 1000s of women find love in ways they may have never expected. 

BONUS #3 - Heal From Heartbreak Course where you will get everything you need to move on from your ex-partner so you can create space energetically for a new partner to show up in your life.

Lifetime Access To All Course Material so you can watch the video content at your own pace.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee so your mind can be at ease with investing in your love life with no risk.

And much, much more!

Join the beta round of Dating For Love for 90% off:

Only $47 USD

 If you're still here...

Then you might be thinking...

Is this really for ME?

Dating For Love will work for three main people


Single or Divorced

Women who are single or divorced and you're looking to learn how to date with confidence and attract your dream man.


Single and Already Dating Someone

Women who are currently dating want to learn how to continue dating with confidence, transition into a relationship, and build a lasting relationship. 


Single & Haven't Dated in a Long Time (or Ever)

Women who have been single for an extended period or have never dated, and are looking for guidance and practical tips to start dating with confidence.

If you're one of these three people, Dating For Love will be a great fit for you.

Okay, Sign Me Up!

© Dating For Love. All Rights Reserved.